• The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
* 関連イベントのカレンダー [#g2bf103f]

** 2010 [#z2a46180]

-Oct 4-8~
[["Multiscale materials Modeling (MMM-2010)":http://www.mmm2010.de]]~
Freiburg, Germany

-July 19 - July 21~
[["Mesoscale methods for colloidal hydrodynamics":http://www.cecam.org/workshop-450.html]]~
CECAM-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

-June 21 - June 25~
[["Emerging Concepts in Glass Physics":http://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/activities/dbdetails?acro=GLASSES_C10]]~
KITP at UCSB, Santa Barbara, USA

-April 12 - July 9~
[["The Physics of Glasses: Relating Metallic Glasses to Molecular, Polymeric and Oxide Glasses":http://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/activities/dbdetails?acro=GLASSES10]]~
KITP at UCSB, Santa Barbara, USA

-[["Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology PRCR2010":http://prcr2010.com/]]~
Hokkaido, Japan

** 2009 [#z2a46180]

- July 20-22~
[["Faraday Discussion 144: Multiscale Modelling of Soft Matter":http://www.rsc.org/ConferencesAndEvents/RSCConferences/FD144/index.asp]]~
University of Groningen, The Netherlands~

- May 18-22~
IMA Annual Program Year Workshop 
[["Molecular Simulations: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications":http://www.ima.umn.edu/2008-2009/W5.18-22.09/]]~
Minneapolis, USA

- February, 2-5~
[["From reptation to glassy materials: de Gennes pionneering work in rheology and recent developments":http://www.degennesconference.fr]]~
Chamonix, France

** 2008 [#z2a46180]

- November 25-28~
[["Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics IV (UCGP2008)":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/UCGP2008/]]~
Kyoto, Japan

- October 27-31~
[["Multiscale Materials Modeling Conference MMM-2008":http://www.mmm2008.org/]]~
Florida State University, USA

- September 10-12~
[[" MSSMBS 2008 International Workshop -Molecular Simulation Studies in Material and Biological Sciences- ":http://www.jinr.ru/drrr/conf/mssmbs08/mssmbsE.html]]~
Dubna (Moscow Region), Russia 

- September 01-05~
[["AES - ATEMA' 2008 (UniversitB di Bologna)":http://www.arch.unibo.it/Architettura/Eventi/2008/09/aesatema2008.htm]]~Bologna, Italy

- August 26-28~
Tokyo, Japan

- August 24-30~
[["The 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2008)":http://ictam2008.adelaide.edu.au/]]~
Adelaide, Australia

- August 3-8~
[["The XVth International Congress on Rheology":http://www.rheology.org/ICR2008/]]~
Monterey, California, USA

- June 18-20~
第1回国際研究シンポジウム[["Multiscale Simulatiobs of Biological and Soft Materials":http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/MSBSM2008/]]~
秋葉原, 東京

- June 2-5~
[["International Symposium on Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter":http://softmatter.jp/en/sympo_e.htm]]~
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

- March 28-29~
[["International symposium on Meso-scale Dynamics on Interface 2008 (MDOI-2008)":http://mdoi2008.com]]~
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

- January 7-8~
名古屋大学, 名古屋市

** 2007 [#oa134f13]

- Nobember 28-29~
Symposium on The 50th memorial year of the Alder transition~
Recent Development on Computational Statistical Physics~
- December 3-6~
[[APCOM'07-EPMESC XI:http://www.apacm.org/apcom07-epmescXI/index.html]]:
Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with
Eleventh International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science~
京都国際会館, 京都市

- Nobember 29-30~
[["Symposium on The 50th memorial year of the Alder transition Recent Development on Computational Statistical Physics":http://stat.system.nitech.ac.jp/Alder50/]]~
金沢市観光会館, 金沢市

- November 26-28~
金沢市観光会館, 金沢市

- November 26-28~
[[日本機械学会 第20回計算力学講演会 CMD2007:http://www.is.doshisha.ac.jp/cmd2007/]]~
同志社大学京田辺キャンパス, 京都府京田辺市

- November 22-24~
[["Unifying Concepts in Glass Transition":http://www.cmt.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp/glass/index.html]]~
九州大学箱崎キャンパス, 福岡市東区

- November 21-22~
山口県教育会館, 山口県山口市

- November 1-3~
金沢大学角間キャンパス, 金沢市

- October 26-27~
京都工芸繊維大学, 京都市左京区

- October 22-26~
Workshop on "Fundamental Issues in Metallic Glasses"~
Guilin and Kunming, China

- October 16-17~
[[粉体工学会 秋期研究発表会:http://www.iijnet.or.jp/SPTJ/event.html#fall]]~

- October 7-11~
[[79th Annual Meeting of The Society of Rheology:http://www.rheology.org/sor/annual_meeting/2007Oct/default.htm]]~
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

- October 3-4~
MY PLAZAホール, 東京都

- September 25-28~
[[The 5th Workshop on "Complex Systems":http://www.ifs.tohoku.ac.jp/tokuyama-lab/IWCS2007/]]~
Sendai, Japan

- September 21-24~
[[日本物理学会 第62回年次大会:http://phys.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/JPSmeeting/]]~
北海道大学, 札幌市

- September 20-22~
名古屋工業大学, 名古屋市

- September 13-15~
北海道大学, 札幌市

- August 27-29~
宮島ホテルまこと, 広島県廿日市市

- August 6-10~
[["AES - ATEMA 2007, International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications":http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~yhaddad/ATEMA_2007/ATEMA_2007_About.htm]]~
Montréal, Canada

- August 1-3~
KKRホテルびわこ, 大津市

- July 25-27~
[[The YITP workshop on "New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics: A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscpic Concepts in Soft Matter":http://tanakalab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/softmatt2007/]]~
Kyoto, Japan

- July 23-25~
[[Meeting in honour of Jean-Pierre Hansen:http://www-theor.ch.cam.ac.uk/people/sprikgroup/jeanpierre/jptop.htm]]~
Trinity College, Cambridge, UK

- July 15-19~
[["Soft, Complex, and Biological Matter Conference (SoCoBiM) 2007":http://www.socobim.de/]]~
Terrasini, Sicily, Italy

- June 21-23~
伝国の杜, 米沢市

- June 11-13~
[[ICRIS '07, The Scinence and Technology of Well-Controlled Polymer Assemblies]]~
Kyoto Univ., Kyoto

- May 29-31~
第56回 高分子学会年次大会~
国立京都国際会館, 京都市

- May 22-23~
粉体工学会 春期研究発表会~
総評会館, 東京都

- May 14-15~
レオロジー学会 第34年会~
京大会館, 京都市

** 2006 [#l1878441]